About us

We are driven by values and value

With decades of private equity experience, the Cap10 founders set up the firm in 2020 with a mission to build great companies with like-minded entrepreneurs.

Our name is something of a manifesto for us. Pronounced ‘Captain Partners’, it is inspired by our desire to lead by example, to be accountable and to unite our team behind a common goal. Taken another way, it brings together the idea of Capital – Cap – with the perfect number – 10 – to sum up our ambition and our drive to deliver extraordinary results.

Our approach

  • We partner with entrepreneurs who share our vision for impactful, ecosystem-wide change
  • We marry our deep sector understanding with our international network, experience and understanding of local cultures
  • We set our own timetable, making decisions based on the long-term interests of all stakeholders
  • We know what we want, acting quickly and decisively throughout the investment lifecycle
  • We challenge the status quo to reveal the strategic nature of businesses we back